
By default dashboards are configured to display some “events” that are stored in the database into the serie “events” Their are multiple ways to record entry in the events serie

Insert events via syslog

open-nti will access events in the syslog format on port UDP/6000. The goal is not to send all syslog but only relevant information like Commit or Protocol Flaps

To send only one syslog at commit time you can use the configuration below

set system syslog host any any
set system syslog host match UI_COMMIT_COMPLETED
set system syslog host port 6000

Insert events in the database directly

It’s possible to insert events with just a HTTP POST request to the database, here is an example using curl

curl -i -XPOST '' --data-binary 'events,type=Error text="BGP Flap"'
curl -i -XPOST '' --data-binary 'events,device=qfx5100-01,type=Commit text="Change applied"'


any system that knows how to generate a HTTP POST request can inject an event. its very utile if you have a script/tool that run some tests to keep track of when major events happen