Troubleshooting Guide

To check if containers are running, execute the following command. By default you should have 3 containers running .. code-block:: text

docker ps

To force containers to stop, execute .. code-block:: text


To access the CLI of the main container for debug, Start a SSH session using the insecure_key provided in the repo and the script “” .. code-block:: text

chmod 600 insecure_key ./

For the Input containers named __open-nti-input-*__ you can access the logs directly from docker by running : .. code-block:: text

docker logs <container name or ID>


I’m streaming data from devices but I’m not seeing anything on the Dashboard

To reach the dashboard, traffic have to go through the following path: Device >(A)> Host >(B)> Container >(C)> Fluentd >(B)> InfluxDB >(E)> Grafana

### A - Check that traffic is reaching the Host

The best solution is to use TCPDUMP on the Host and filter on destination port .. code-block:: text

On Unix/Mac tcpdump -i <ingress interface> -n dst port <dest port number>

### B - Check that traffic is reaching the container The best solution is to use TCPDUMP inside the container .. code-block:: text

./ tcpdump -i eth0 -n dst port <dest port number>

RPF check might be a problem if you see incoming packets in A but not in B. If you e.g. use Src IP for which there is no route entry on host OS (Ubuntu does RPF check as default), packets would be discarded.

### C - Check Fluentd Check fluentd logs, inside the container .. code-block:: text

./ tail -f /var/log/fluentd.log

Nothing should be printed if everything is right

### D - Check if data is properly reaching the database - connect on Influxdb management interface with a browser on port 8083 - Select Juniper as database on top right corner - Run query `show measurements` to see what is present - Execute query for `SELECT * FROM "<measurements>"`

> Destination tables will vary depending of the incoming traffic > - For MX > jnpr.jvision > - For QFX5100/EX4300 > jnpr.analyticsd