Dashboard Generator [WIP]ΒΆ

I created a Dashboard generator based on Python and Jinja2. It’s been an open item for long time and it was too often in my way so I decided to take a stab at it. It’s still very early stage and I’m sharing it to get feedback as early as possible.

Top of my head, I can think of multiple tasks for which it will help:

Convert JTI graphs to the new variables names Create graphs for the new JTI sensors (LSP, FW etc ..) Add templating for interface Create Dashboard for Netconf in mode 2 & 3 Create Dashboard on demand and more personalized In a nutshell, I templatized a grafana dashboard into multiple pieces:

The skeleton of the dashboard - The rows, composed of multiple panels or graphs - The graphs - The annotations - The templatings

To generate a dashboard you need to create a yaml file that indicate: the title, which rows, which annotations etc ..

title: Data Steaming Collector ALPHA
template: "dashboard_base.j2"

  - opennti

  - int-traffic.yaml
  - int-queue.yaml
  - int-buffer.yaml

  - host_regex.yaml
  - interface.yaml

To generate the dashboard based on this config file, you just have to call this command line

cd dashboards/
python gendashboard.py --file data_streaming_collector.yaml

The rows are defined in the directory templates/rows/ and the graphs in the directory templates/graphs/ The idea is to define which template for each configuration file, so we don’t need to turn everything into a variable in the templates. If 2 graphs are very different we can just have different templates.

It will keep the YAML file light and easily readable