Data Streaming Collector

Currently the collector accept: - Analyticsd (qfx5k) streams in JSON/UDP on port UDP/50020 - Juniper Telemetry Interface (MX/PTX) streams in GPB/UDP on port UDP/50000


it’s important that all devices have the correct time defined, it’s recommended to configure NTP everywhere

statsd interface

open-nti is using telegraf to support statsd Statsd is a popular tool to send metrics over the network, it has been designed by etsy More information below : - -

Here is an example of how to insert statsd data into the Database

root@d3e82264a08b:/# echo "opennti,device=qfx5100,type=int.rx:100|g" | nc -w 1 -u 8125

opennti define the serie device=qfx5100,type=int.rx will be converted as tag1 100 is the value g indicate gauge